Why You Should Consider Secret Fix Copings

Why You Should Consider Secret Fix Copings

If you’re not quite sold yet on the Secret Fix coping systems available today, then this blog is sure to help you make up your mind.

Firstly, we must acknowledge that we are an aluminium fabrications company, and do specialise in Secret Fix copings, so are slightly biased. But for this article, we will put favouritism to the side and just give you the plain and simple advantages to a Secret Fix system on your next architectural project.

Waterproofing Abilities

Firstly we should address the main reason Secret Fix copings were even invented in the first place. Other than the fact they deliver a great finish due to the ‘hidden’ fixing of the copings to parapet walls, the removal of fixings through the top of the metal means there are no holes for water to ingress.

Secret Fix copings provide a watertight coping solution that not only encases both the top and sides of the wall but also removes the requirement for extensive sealing with unattractive sealants such as bitumen.

Finally, superior weather protection provides added benefits all to do with the longevity of the building – reduced risk of damp and leaks damaging the walls, cavity insulation, and wall render.

Download our guide | Aluminium Copings

Secret Fix Bracket

The system of a Secret Fix coping rests on the manufacture and fixing of an extruded bracket onto the top of the wall, onto which the coping is snap-fixed.

There are numerous benefits to this which you can’t achieve with a standard fixed system.

Firstly, the bracket reduces installation time, which is better for you and your contractors.

Secondly, the bracket has a central channel where water from the coping joint can run off, further protecting the outer wall, especially from water stains.

Finally, the use of a bracket allows you to prevent wind-rattle on the aluminium copings. By adding anti-rattle foam under the bracket you can deaden any sound of rattle. This gives your residents peace of mind, especially in extreme weather.

Weathered aluminium copings | cappings

Talking about the weather, what about differential movement in hot temperatures? Well, Secret Fix copings outperform standard fixed copings on that front too.

As aluminium expands and contracts over time throughout the day and night, a common problem building owners can face is the failing of their coping system. You can avoid all this as without any fixings the coping can expand without stress.


Wall copings are an integral part of any building structure, providing a watertight protective barrier for parapet walls and roofs. However, copings are also visible. Whether on a roof or parapet wall, copings are part of residents’ vistas when they look to neighbouring buildings or from their balcony to another’s.

Getting the coping right on a building is crucial, and how better to solve both issues above than with a Secret Fix coping system.

Download our guide | Aluminium Copings

Why Choose HJA’s Secret Fix Coping

HJA’s Secret Fix coping is one of the best on the market, with our proprietary design it delivers superior wind-loading and waterproofing capabilities. Not only is ours independently wind-tested to 144mph but it also incorporates superb anti-rattle foam.

The HJA Secret Fix copings offer an attractive, low maintenance coping system that is simple to install yet both rigid and secure. The out of sight coping fixings provide a smooth, fastener-free appearance that architects like you want. Polyester powder coating to any RAL colour is also available.

If you want to read more about the HJA’s Secret Fix System then click here.

Contact Us for more information and find out how we can help with your architectural fabrications. – just fill out the form below.

HJA Fabrications | The ultimate specification guide to aluminium coping systems

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