What Are the Best Applications for Secret Fix Copings

What Are the Best Applications for Secret Fix Copings?

Brick walls and parapets are almost always topped with some kind of coping to prevent water from soaking in, whether concrete, stone or an aluminium coping. Having a coping system directs water away from the top surface of the wall, the most likely place for water damage to occur.

Copings protect the roofing structure from water ingress, but they also can be used to specifically add some architectural and visual intrigue to a building.

A Secret Fix coping is the best option for this, as they provide a clean line with hidden fixings and a more attractive finish to the wall. You can learn the benefits of Secret Fix copings here.

In this article, we will discuss how Secret Fix copings are best used, and in which types of application they are most suited.

High-Quality Finish Aluminium Coping System

Let’s face it, roofs are now often deliberately designed into architectural projects and we have seen a massive increase in residents having access to their roof as well as living roof gardens and rooftop bars.

To ensure the coping is an attractive addition to a building, using a Secret Fixing coping system will guarantee clean lines and a great finish.

Download our guide | Aluminium Copings

Protecting Parapet Walls from Water Ingress

Practically every modern flat-roofed building incorporates a parapet wall. In addition, many older buildings – particularly terraces – have parapet walls separating the roofs of adjoining properties.

A parapet wall is an extension of the exterior or dividing wall that extends up above the roof. On flat-roofed buildings, this hides roof-mounted equipment and creates a more attractive appearance. These parapets are generally horizontal, unlike those often used between terraced properties. On these, the wall is often pitched at the same angle as the roof itself.

Water naturally runs off a pitched parapet wall. Horizontal walls need an angled surface to achieve the same effect. In both cases, the coping directs water away rather than letting it rest on, and probably penetrate into, the wall itself.

However, there are also other applications where Secret Fix copings are a great option –

  • Perimeter walls
  • Curtain walls
  • Clean outline for roof edging
  • Balconies
  • Roof gardens/access
  • Skybars/rooftop bars


For projects where the roof of a building is a highlight to the project and is being specifically designed as part of the building’s assets, then an attractive coping system is essential.

Roof gardens, living roofs, rooftop bars and others are becoming more and more popular as people aim to make the most of the space they have.

Choosing a secret fix coping means choosing a good looking system that has clean lines and doesn’t detract from the rest of the high-quality specifications.

Download our guide | Aluminium Copings

HJA Fabrications: Specialists in Aluminium Coping Systems

HJA’s Secret Fix coping is one of the best on the market, with our proprietary design it delivers superior wind-loading and waterproofing capabilities. Not only is ours independently wind-tested to 144mph but it also incorporates superb anti-rattle foam.

The HJA Secret Fix coping offers an attractive, low maintenance coping system that is simple to install yet both rigid and secure. The out of sight coping fixings provide a smooth, fastener-free appearance that architects like you want. Polyester powder coating to any RAL colour is also available.

If you want to read more about the HJA’s Secret Fix System then click here.

Contact Us for more information and find out how we can help with your architectural fabrications.

HJA Fabrications | The ultimate specification guide to aluminium coping systems

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