Secret Fix Copings: Your Complete Guide to Specification

Secret Fix Copings Your Complete Guide to Specification | HJA Fabrications

Wall copings are a fundamental part of any building structure, providing a watertight protective barrier for parapet walls and roofs. Copings don’t just cap the top of a wall, but come down both sides, encasing it and adding extra protection all the way around.  But when it comes to standard aluminium copings, they do often fall […]

Secret Fix Copings: What to Look Out For

Secret Fix Copings: What to Look Out For

Wall copings are a fundamental part of any building structure, providing a watertight protective barrier for parapet walls and roofs. However, copings are also visible. Let’s face it, roofs are now often deliberately designed into architectural projects and we have seen a massive increase in residents having access to their roof as well as living […]

What Are the Best Applications for Secret Fix Copings?

What Are the Best Applications for Secret Fix Copings

Brick walls and parapets are almost always topped with some kind of coping to prevent water from soaking in, whether concrete, stone or an aluminium coping. Having a coping system directs water away from the top surface of the wall, the most likely place for water damage to occur. Copings protect the roofing structure from […]

Why You Should Consider Secret Fix Copings

Why You Should Consider Secret Fix Copings

If you’re not quite sold yet on the Secret Fix coping systems available today, then this blog is sure to help you make up your mind. Firstly, we must acknowledge that we are an aluminium fabrications company, and do specialise in Secret Fix copings, so are slightly biased. But for this article, we will put […]

Secret Fix Copings: Installation Considerations

Secret Fix Copings: Installation Considerations

So you’re thinking of specifying Secret Fix Copings for an upcoming project, but what about installation? Are they easier and simpler to install than standard copings? Whether you are an architect or a construction company, considering the installation of your upcoming project is important, especially when finding the perfect coping solution. Aluminium secret fix copings […]

Secret Fix Copings: Design Considerations

Secret Fix Copings Design Considerations

Whether you are an architect or a construction company, considering the design of your upcoming project is important, especially finding the perfect coping solution. Aluminium secret fix copings can provide a superior aesthetic to any roofing job whilst also playing an integral role in waterproofing a parapet wall. Copings don’t just cap the top of […]

The 3 Key Benefits of Secret Fix Copings

The 3 Key Benefits of Secret Fix Copings

Secret fix aluminium copings are a popular choice for many architects and designers due to their clean aesthetic, but what are the other key benefits they provide? Secret fix copings are a great choice for many roofing and building projects due to the fact they improve the look of any roof terrace, sky bar, or […]

5 Reasons Why Secret Fix Copings Are Used

HJA Fabrications | 5 Reasons Why Secret Fix Copings Are Used

There’s a lot of discussion around fixed copings vs. secret fix copings. Which one’s stronger, better, more attractive, more expensive? Do secret fix copings live up to the hype? In this article we will discuss the pros and cons of secret fix copings and whether architects and contractors really need to specify secret fix copings […]

The Complete Guide to Aluminium Copings

HJA Fabrications | The Complete Guide to Aluminium Copings

Wall copings are an integral part of any building structure, providing a watertight protective barrier for parapet walls and roofs. Copings don’t just cap the top of a wall, but come down both sides, encasing it and adding extra protection all the way around. Copings can be flat-topped or given a slope that encourages surface water run-off.  Individual coping sheets […]

Why Do You Need Secret Fix Copings?

HJA Fabrications | Why Do You Need Secret Fix Copings?

Whether you are an architect or construction company, finding the perfect secret fix coping can be an important part of any roofing job. But why do you need secret fix copings and what makes them better than alternate coping methods? Wall copings are an integral part of any building structure, providing a watertight protective barrier […]